Ductwork covers every room of your house. The reason we install such a complex system in our homes is we want to enjoy increased comfort. But what if you find out that these ducts are a source of comfort not only for you but for other small creatures as well. That is a very unpleasant thought. Below is a detailed guide to finding freeloading visitors and how to treat them out of your house.
Signs of Infestation
If there are any holes or scratches on the duct pipes, this is a sign of infestation.
Scratching or scampering noises also indicate infestation. These sounds are most audible at night time when the insects and rodents are most active.
If you notice any mess around your duct pipes, chewed-up materials, or foul-smells, they all indicate infestation.
There can be several possible pests living in the ductwork. Some of them are:
- Bugs and Insects -
None of us wants to imagine bugs living and reproducing in our duct pipes. But as much as we hate it, it is quite a possibility. It is easy for bugs and other insects to enter into your ductwork and build a home there. While you are comfortable sleeping in your bed, they might be destroying valued stuff in your attic.
- Rodents and Rats -
If rodents, rats, or squirrels enter your ductwork, they can cause bigger problems for you. First of all, they will hinder the quick air flow through the duct pipes. Secondly, they tend to build their homes with dried grass. Your ductwork can get all messed up with the dried grass and leaves. Due to this, there is an added fire risk in the system.
- Snakes -
The most dangerous of all possibilities can be snakes. People have discovered snakes living in their ductwork. And there is a greater chance of snakes in your duct pipes if you have a lawn or if your lawn is not maintained regularly. As cold-blooded creatures, they can’t regulate their body temperature and tend to hide in warm places during winters. The duct pipes act as the perfect warm shelter for this purpose.
How to Resolve the Issue
Once you are sure of infestation in your ductwork, you should take quick action to remove the small creatures as they surely would be harming your HVAC system more than you think. If infestation is by animals/insects easy to catch, you can do it yourself using different techniques.
When you know that all the insects/animals are removed, you can then fix any damage to the pipes. You can cover the holes (if any) with the help of duct tape if the damage is of a smaller level or else you can use mastic for long-lasting results.
If you cannot get rid of these small creatures or have no prior experience with HVAC, the best solution is to call for a professional HVAC service. We can handle the situation with the least amount of hassle. Everything is covered in the professional service, from catching the animals to cleaning and repairing the duct pipes.
The best way to avoid the problem in the future is to ensure regular HVAC maintenance. Here at Best Owner Direct, we will take care of all these problems, and working with us will ultimately save you time and money. Give us a call today or schedule an appointment online.