Sometimes spending money will end up saving you money. Putting money into your home's heating and cooling systems can quickly pay for itself by reducing utility bills. Be wary; it's not always necessary to replace an inefficient furnace; sometimes, it can just use a little TLC.
Best Owner Direct HVAC has compiled this information to aid you in making the best possible financial decision.
Let me set the scene for you: it's freezing outside, and your heater isn't doing its job. What are your next steps? Most homeowners will spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a furnace. And when yours starts acting up, it's a major hassle to decide whether to have it fixed or replaced. If you've owned your furnace for some time and are still unsure which option is best for you, read on.
Although each person's circumstances are unique, there are three primary considerations to weigh when selecting whether to repair or replace a furnace:
There are primarily three scenarios in which a furnace replacement becomes necessary:
The boiler and furnace in a home built in the 1960s or earlier are likely old and inefficient. Even if you don't replace your heating system, you probably need to make some adjustments to improve its efficiency.
The energy required to keep a room at a constant 65 degrees is referred to as the heating load. Contacting your utility company to do an energy audit can help you determine your heating load, which can lead to more cost-effective upgrades to your home's heating and cooling systems, potentially saving you money. If your furnace isn't working efficiently after all your maintenance and repairs, it's probably time to get a new one.
Discover whether gas or electricity is cheaper where you are and utilize that one to power your system.
However, repairs may be preferable to replacement in some cases. Even if your furnace does not have any of the above problems, it may still be revived if it is not functioning at peak efficiency. You may save money on energy bills and extend the life of your HVAC system by having professionals conduct the following maintenance:
Comparing a furnace to a car is like comparing apples to oranges. Your device relies on several moving parts to function effectively; if even one breaks down, the whole thing will be negatively affected. Get your HVAC technician to check the placement of all the parts and oil them to extend their useful life.
2. Ignition or Pilot Control Problems
Your furnace's ignition control and other moving parts could be at fault for the system's inability to consistently produce heat. To light the gas burner, the hot surface ignition system employs resistance heating components (similar to the filament in an incandescent light bulb) that are electrically regulated; when the thermostat calls for heat, the high-voltage electrical spark of the intermittent pilot system lights the gas pilot and then the main burners.
3. Thermostat issues
The thermostat in your furnace regulates the temperature and the time of day when heat is generated. If your thermostat is malfunctioning, you may experience discomfort due to a lack of heat, a lack of a fan to circulate the hot air, or a lack of consistent heat. Warner Service's trained professionals can promptly diagnose and repair these typical problems.
Last but not least, feel free to call us if you'd like to have a professional expert look at your system to ensure that it's functioning correctly and that you're making a good investment for your home.
Your monthly energy bills will increase as your furnace ages since it will be less efficient. If you've noticed an increase in energy costs over a few years, it might be time to look into getting a new furnace.
Over time, furnaces lose efficiency and need more fuel to generate the same heat as they did when they were new. Additionally, your monthly energy costs may be more unpredictable if you have an older furnace because of the inefficiency with which it distributes heat throughout your home.
If your furnace is old and inefficient, replacing it with a new, high-efficiency one could be the most cost-effective option. Contact Best Owner Direct HVAC today to schedule an appointment!
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